That’s where I am at this very moment! I had the perfect appointment with God reading just this paragraph from my book:

“Dr. Wayne Dyer, in his book, The Power of Intention, wrote, “That which offends you only weakens you. If you’re looking for occasions to be offended, you’ll find them at every turn. As A Course in Miracles reminds us: “Peace is of God, you who are a part of God are not at home except in his peace.” Stay close to God and stop getting offended all the time as every time you’re offended by something, you move away from God. When you’re able to respond with love and kindness, instead of getting offended, you get closer to God. Remember, “It’s not between you and anyone else; everything is between you and God!” As St. Paul said, “God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance.” Tune in to God’s frequency, and you will know it beyond any and all doubt!””

Let me tell you, I wrote this post years ago, and it’s a lesson that I still haven’t mastered, but I’m not giving up! A few hours after reading this, I needed to put that alone time with God into practice, asking Him, ‘What would you have me to do here?’ when an opportunity came up for me to be offended. But instead of getting upset and disappointed, I took the high road, being my kind and most loving self, seeking to please God, and I WAS SO MUCH HAPPIER FOR IT!!! Woohoo!

I love what Andy Puddicombe had to say to me during a run this week:

“We can’t control what happens to us in life, but we can train the mind and the body so that when things happen that challenge us, we’re ready for them. Not to fight them. Not to resist them. But to deal with them calmly and skillfully.”

With our eyes on God, is what I would add in! No matter the situation we are confronted with, I promise you, God’s ways are always best! If we stay calm, asking Him, ‘God, what would you have me to do here? He will lead you to the ultimate best decision.’ That has been my experience! That little minute seeking Him that day, turned out to be extremely valuable. St. Paul is correct, God has provided my life with every blessing in abundance. Wink! Wink! Don’t miss out! Make God a part of every decision you make! You don’t go wrong with God!

Dear God, help us to constantly catch ourselves when we’re moving away from Your peace and ask, “How can I respond to this in a more loving and kinder way?” seeking to always please You. Amen.”