Was a comment I got today! My response was, “Very simple: to be the best wife, mom, and person possible, all for God’s glory. Nothing more, nothing less.” And let me tell ya, that right there is the secret to living a successful life. With every decision seeking to please God, He loving guides us on the BEST pathway for our lives. Everything is between us and God AND HIS PLANS FOR US ARE REAL GOOD AND NOT TO HARM US. ‘God, what would YOU have me to do?’ is the priceless question. Wink! Wink!

In fact, I woke up early this morning to get to some housework done. In between, I got a great run in, gave the kids a pep talk about not letting this summer go to waste as we have important goals ahead of us, and now I’m at work to supporting the best husband in the world. Every day I’m hustling, baby! All for God!

I love the lyrics of Justin Bieber’s song, ‘All In It:’

And with God, it’s like He’s perfect and He never disappoints
So I, I just get my recognition from Him
And give Him recognition”

Perfect lyrics! That’s exactly where I am at this moment: Getting all my recognition from GOD, baby! I’ve given up on trying to please people because that only wears you out. Please God. Finish! I’ve made GOD”S UNCONDITIONAL LOVE THE FOUNDATION OF MY LIFE.

My mom gave me the best advice growing up. She taught me that if I’m a street cleaner, to be the best street cleaner and that advice is seriously working for me.

“Call me an aggressively involved parent,” I messaged a friend. But again, that’s my job from God Himself. I want to show up in every moment the best, most awesome version of myself knowing God is my Constant Companion. And I want you here with me. People will disappoint us, and we’ll disappoint them, but God NEVER disappoints. He knows EXACTLY the experiences we need to become the extraordinary people He has created us to be.

Like this tolerance issue I wrote about yesterday. The thing God has asked me to joyfully tolerate has ACTUALLY made me stronger. I got up this morning super happy and content ready to take on anything that comes my way. I’ve accepted that life will not always go the way I want it to go, but I’m trusting God that whatever He wants for me cannot but be good for me. God, I’m with you.

I’m going to keep my eyes DIRECTLY on God, being the flexible, strong, forgiving, loving, genuine in every moment, disciplined, gentle, faith-filled, joyous and tolerant Nik He would have me to be.

God, I want to spend my life with You. Amen!
