Just to tell you about this incredible love I’ve found in having a relationship with God. He is intimately involved in every aspect of our lives, and if you want the BEST life possible, you MUST get to know Him better.

Take for example my family’s recent summer trip to London. Honestly, we wanted to go to Dubai, personally one of my fav places to go, but we felt God saying we should travel with some friends instead. From the moment I got on the flight, I felt God’s Presence AND throughout the ENTIRE trip. My fav time was when I felt Him singing to me. I wrote about it in this old post:

“This God wink began yesterday morning when I had an appointment with Him reading an old post entitled, ‘NIK, I WON’T LET YOU DOWN.’ To be very honest, the God maniac here was a bit anxious going into that alone time with Him, wondering if He was going to remember to help me with a certain challenge I have, and that post was exactly the reminder I needed; I got my high five from God: ‘NIK, I WON’T LET YOU DOWN.’

Fast forward later that day, we’re at the mall shopping when I saw a beautiful dress in a store I liked for my friend. I persuaded her to get it, and because she had to run to another store she wanted to give me the money to pay for the dress for her, but this friend, who is like more than ten great friends in one, I refused her money, and I went in line to pay for it. As I’m standing there waiting, I’m listening to the lyrics of the song playing in the background, and they astonishingly say:

“Girl put your love on Me _ 
I WON’T LET YOU DOWN” – Love On Me by Galantis & Hook N Sling

Wink! Wink! The happiest, most blissful feeling came over me! I knew without a doubt this was God singing to me again saying that HE WON’T LET ME DOWN.”

And HE NEVER HAS! No matter the BIGGEST challenges that have shown up in every aspect of my life, God has remained faithfully by my side, like, “Who’s messing with my Nik?”

My husband asked me before sleeping last night, “What would you change about your life?” I answered, “Absolutely nothing.” I asked him, and he replied the same thing. God has truly led us on the path to a beautiful life.

“How can they hear about Him, if nobody tells them?” This is where I take my life’s calling. To tell you about the God Who is not only singing to me, but also to you. You just have to start paying attention and listening to His voice. He pretty much communicates with us wordlessly all day long through our feelings. If it feels good (peaceful) deep inside when I think about making a decision, I go with it, and if it doesn’t (uneasy, stressful), I take it as my cue from God to NOT go in that direction. And following His guidance all day every day, in every moment, I’m happy, relaxed and at peace KNOWING He is always with me.