I asked my NEXT LEVEL friend today! I had debated whether to share with her a story about what happened to my mom and me on a trip when I was a little girl. I got the feeling from God to tell her about it. I explained that the moral I learned from the experience was that any kindness that I offer to someone else, no matter how small the gesture, THAT GOD HIMSELF IS THE ONE TO REPAY ME. That’s my life’s philosophy that’s working for me: EVERYTHING IS BETWEEN ME AND GOD, NOT BETWEEN ME AND ANYONE ELSE.

I went as far as telling her about a BIG argument with my kids over their unkind attitude towards a situation. I was so furious with them that by FORCE we have MORE family appointments with God. In fact, the very next morning, the very devotional we randomly selected was about KINDNESS and even going as far as praying and asking God for His help to love our enemies.

Not even 30 minutes later, God got in on our conversation. My friend has one of the few printed copies of my book (unfortunately, the printer hubby hired passed away before delivery-may his soul rest in peace), and I decided to randomly open it to see if God had anything He wanted to say to me. Can you believe I opened exactly to this?

“A post from the Seventh Day Adventists inspired me with sharing that that weekend in their church was about TEACHING KIDS ABOUT KINDNESS that I wanted to spend time with my children, too, sharing that message that we should be God’s mouth and hands in the world to love and encourage each other.”

Looks like God agrees with me–KINDNESS, BABY! See how intimately God’s involved in our lives. There’s no way this is an ordinary coincident that I’m sharing with my friend about a severe argument I had with my kids over kindness and out of this almost 400-page book, I randomly opened to that. This was God’s SWEET and LOVING way of finding a way to make me and my friend HAPPY AND REMINDED THAT HIS PRESENCE IS ALWAYS WITH US. She has so many books in her house that I usually read when I want to have appointments with God there, but yesterday He gave me the nudge to read from MY BOOK. Heehaw!!!

If you would like a free electronic copy, please inbox me your email address and I’ll be happy to shoot one over. Its GOD APPROVED reading, and the advice I share and live are making me seriously HAPPIER. Suggestions such as going the extra mile in love and overlooking the faults of others have led my life on a wonderful path. MOST IMPORTANTLY, IT’S TEACHING ME TO HAVE FAITH IN GOD’S LOVE–HE WON’T LET US DOWN – He’s with us and for us!