That’s my life’s testimony for sure! I’ll never forget sitting in my mom’s office reception one day. I was about nine years old, when a client asked, “Are you Mabel’s daughter?” He was incredibly the doctor that delivered me. “I’ll never forget you,” he said, and he went on to tell me the dramatic story of my birth. He said back in those days, they focused on saving the life of the mother first and foremost, and they just placed me to the side, really thinking I was dead. BUT GOD WAS WITH ME. The person, on the way to throw me away, noticed I still had a pulse and here I am, decades later, baby!

And looking back at my entire life, it’s been one situation after another where I can CLEARLY see that God HIMSELF has been with me.

From some of my saddest days, I would always feel Him wrapping His arms around me and comforting me. And tell me, what is there to be sad about when you have the Creator of the universe showing you such love and attention. … BUT GOD WAS WITH ME!

To my most difficult days, where I must hold on to His hands SUPER TIGHT, He shows up as if saying, ‘Who’s messing with my Nik?’ The words to say, the solutions and wisdom to tackle problems, the people to help have ALL miraculously appeared. … BUT GOD WAS WITH ME!


He’s not just with me, He’s with ALL of us. I’m just the God maniac over here who pays attention. And that’s what I want us all doing more of this year, PAYING ATTENTION TO GOD, KEEPING OUR EYES FOCUSED ON HIM.

After exercising with my daughter, Julie, this morning, I said to her that HUMILITY has been one of the secrets to her mom’s happy life. The ability to put up with certain things, hear some things and pretend I didn’t hear them, and see some things and pretend I didn’t see them, with my EYES completed fixed on God asking what He would have me to do in difficult moments, have all worked exceptionally well for me. Fast forward to some hours later, I’m at work, and the calendar God speaks through me through quoted this scripture:

“By HUMILITY and the fear of the Lord
Are riches and honor and life.” – Proverbs 22:4

This was God’s sweet way of saying, ‘Nik, I see you being humble. Great job!’ He’s pretty talkative once you get to know Him! I’m keeping my eyes on God no matter what situation comes my way, KNOWING this is the way to “riches and honor and life.” Wink! Wink!