Instead of throwing out some old smoothie, I asked my cook, Victoria, to place it in a glass for me. She, very surprisingly, put it in a champagne glass. It was the very one I would use to have a nightly drink with my hubby in my attempts to dumb all the UGLY thoughts I had going on. That was my way of combatting all the thinking, thinking I had going on at the time.

But, as I drank from that glass today, it was an entirely different story. Instead of the depressing, anxious, fretful thoughts, I was toasting to God, thanking Him for this beautiful life He has wonderfully guided me on. Alcohol has absolutely no place in my life anymore; God has MIRACULOUSLY turned all my sadness into JOY!!!


In every moment, I’m learning to go to God about EVERYTHING. My mind looks like this ALL day:
God, what should I do here?
God, should I go here?
God, should I say this?
God, how do I handle this situation?
God, what would you have me to THINK here?
God? God? God?

HE LOVES WHEN WE COME TO HIM! I’ve LEARNED HIS VOICE through my individual times/appointments with Him. I know when its Him speaking to me through my feelings/nudges/impressions and thoughts that come to mind. Those nudges from Him haven’t led me wrong yet! In every aspect of my life, for guidance, I RUN TO HIM FOR HELP.

Through reading my meditation books, I’ve picked up on God’s character and the mother, wife, and person He is calling me to be. Not one moment has been wasted because He has keyed me in on such wisdom that I use when I’m back out in the world.

He doesn’t only talk through the meditation books, though, He’s quite talkative once you get to know Him. Like one Sunday, I got a nudge from Him to call one of my brothers. Before hanging up, he says to me, ‘Nik, if your husband is ever weak, YOU have to be the strong one for the family.’ Honestly, those words have stuck with me. So, if ever I’m tempted to get mad at hubs about ANYTHING, I remind myself, ‘Nik, you MUST be the STRONG one.’ I suck up whatever it is I’m upset about, and I look to God, my Guide and say, ‘Your warrior here is still standing strong.’ Nobody’s perfect! The husband that is the strength of the family when I’m weak, deserves this loyal, unflinching wife.

But I can’t get over God, giving me that nudge to call my brother with that critical message. Thanks, K! Hubby and I are celebrating 18 years together this year, and I’m thanking God for His continual GUIDANCE that got us here, BETTER AND STRONGER THAN EVER.