Was my very surprising God wink yesterday! I tried downloading the latest RobCast by Rob Bell on iTunes, when for some reason it refused to download and the last episode I started listening to maybe a week or so ago kept playing instead. When these glitches happen now, I pay attention because they usually mean God is up to something. I paused and said to Him, “Ok, whatever You want me to listen to.”

When Rob said “Sometimes you take two or three steps backwards,” I freaked out and played it back again a few times because that’s exactly how I’ve been feeling lately. I go forward in a certain area and then next thing I know I feel as if I’ve moved a few steps backwards. But God had the perfect reminders for me in that podcast and when I was done listening I felt like celebrating!

He said that when this happen we just have to dust ourselves off and get back on the path and that it’s like a journey of 1,000 steps and sometimes you feel you may have taken some steps backwards, but when you look at how far you’ve come, you should celebrate all the progress you have made instead of being upset about the few backward steps. Wow! That made me so happy because I see the huge improvement in this area and there was plenty for me to celebrate. It was as if God Himself was saying to me, “Nik, hold your head high, you have come so far and you have so much to be proud of.”

I went home and had the best evening with my family. I told them we have to celebrate because God has been good to us. We started our family prayer again with my husband and my two other Emmanuels praying for us. To God be the glory! Great things He has done!

We have to be patient with ourselves and others. We may not be where we want to be and others may not be where we want them to be, but let’s celebrate the victory in how far we’ve all come. Constant and never ending improvement. I’ve surrendered this entire area over to God and in His perfect timing it’ll all work out.