Ain’t that the truth! From one to the next, it seems as if negativity can come at us from every direction. Here’s the trick:


That’s the super big challenge of our lives. No matter the negativity that comes our way, we have to pause and ask God, “What would you have me to do here?” Doing your best to stay on the high road with Him, being your most loving and forgiving self or otherwise we’ll be dragged down the road of negativity. And let me tell ya, it’s not worth it, not even for a minute.

When you stay on the high road with God, surrendering people and events over to Him, you can go on enjoying the good life. You have to shake off the disappoints immediately, learning to quickly overlook and ignore. Trust me, no one gets away, God knows what He’s doing with each and every one of us.

“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” THIS IS THE WAY TO THE BEST LIFE WITH GOD! God is “a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” In fact, I say go overboard in doing good. In every moment, every example and every experience, bring God in, seeking Him and asking Him to guide your actions and watch how He overwhelms your life with goodness.

I feel like when I have a problem, the whole universe conspires to help me. Like solutions pop in my head, people show up to assist me and things seem to go in my favor. “That was the God wink of the day!” said someone who just showed up to help us with an issue. I had told someone that we should call her and the person responded, “She’s here right now!” She had miraculously shown up on her own. How the heck did that happen? Then as she’s working on the issue, she too was astonished when something worked out incredibly better than expected. That’s my God, always helping me out!

So my guys, don’t focus on the negativity, focus on God who will keep us on the right track to the best life. Don’t let the haters distract us and take us down the road to hell! We’ve all travelled that road before. The road to heaven is much more enjoyable.

Like my sweet sister always says, “When you know better, you do better!” Constantly catch yourself in the midst of the negativity and ask God for His direction to get through. Everything is between us and God.