That was advice to my sweet momma yesterday and to you today. She was feeling hurt and disappointed by the actions of a close family member and I said to her that people WILL disappoint us and we’re not to look to other people for our peace, but our eyes should stay fixed on God because He’ll never disappoint us.

When the hurts, disappointments and frustrations come our way, we have to IMMEDIATELY shake them off, forgive and ask God to direct us on what He would have us to do. I was telling someone yesterday how sometimes I could be so upset with my hubby, not wanting to even sleep in the same bed with him, when one glance at God and I would know exactly what He’s directing me to do – Nik, get to bed with your husband! I would then hesitantly go and sleep on the very edge, edge of the bed, as far away as possible away from him. But listening to God in those tough moments being loving and forgiving have been the utmost best decisions. I now don’t look to human relationships for perfection, I keep my eyes steadily fixed on God who has never ever disappointed me when I stay on the high road with Him.

In those difficult moments I could’ve slept away from my husband, stayed upset with him and allow bitterness to grow and grow in my heart, but I didn’t. I handed the disappoints over to God and let me tell ya, the new hubby that has shown up has been a miracle. And I’m asking God, How did this happen? Super proud wife here!

My point is that when we keep our eyes fixed on God, we also have to stay on the high road with Him, making sometimes the difficult decisions to be loving and forgiving when we want to choke someone. But when we make those decisions we know that this is what God wants and He will be our Partner assisting us to get everything back on the right track again, step by step. THIS IS THE WAY TO THE BEST LIFE, CLOSE TO GOD.

Don’t worry about what anyone is doing or not doing, surrender everything over to God being your gentlest, kindest, calmest, most loving, merciful and forgiving self and then watch what God does on your behalf. Wink, wink!