My God winks are when out of the blue everything lines up perfectly and God wonderfully reminds me that His unseen Presence is a constant in my life – ‘Relax, Nik, I’m with you,’ is the message I get over and over again from Him. The post yesterday started and began with this blessing I received from Facebook:

“May God bless u and grant u ur heart desire.”

Fast forward to that evening, I sat down in my kitchen, taking a break from a day of puttering around the house and rearranging furniture, I received a WhatsApp message from someone and because they were not in my contact list, I had the option to report and block the person, but I got a feeling to read it and it said, “It’s Friday…Hope you have a great weekend.” I thought that was sweet of them and I decided to read some more messages from this person that were sent before, but I had never opened. The words from the fifth message up, sent from April 3 – almost two months ago, got my attention, as it unbelievably read:

“… the Desires of your Heart will be granted.”

The very day I write, “I feel God is behind the scenes of my life granting me these heart desires,” I get confirmation from Him, from someone I don’t even know! Call it a coincident, but I’m taking it as a special God wink!

And speaking of my house, I complained a lot about it yesterday, feeling incredibly overwhelmed by so many home improvements projects I need to take on with it, and just before going to sleep last night, I got another wink from God in reading Marianne Williamson’s book, ‘A Year of Miracles:’

“Think something isn’t good enough, and it never will be. Think something is wonderful, and it will only get better.

So thoughts like this are miraculous thoughts: I give thanks for this chair, for this table, for this wall.

I remember with compassion those who do not have such simple amenities, and I pray they will receive what they need. I surrender myself, that I might be used in bringing the end of suffering to all the world.”

Now what did such thoughts just do for you? Not for others, but for you?

They established you within a different corner of the universe. You moved from someone with a slightly open heart to someone with a more fully opened heart. And the more open your heart, the more miracles you’ll receive.”

New Nikki after that: Thank You, God, for my beautiful house!